~Groovin' With Soccamom~

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    It's History
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    So Many Stripes
    I saw a little girl walking to school today. I noticed her for a few reasons. She was dressed in striped pants, a striped shirt and a plaid coat. None of the colors matched. I mean, they weren't even close. She was also the only person walking along the sidewalk, so considering how glaring her clothes, she was easy to spot.

    As I dropped Miss Boo off at the door, I spied the little girl running along the sidewalk. She wasn't even half-way past the street and to the school yet. I knew why she was running. She'd missed her bus. The buses to the elementary schools were all pulling away and the little girl in stripes was left behind.

    There were 2 ladies walking away from the school in the little girl's direction. She stopped them and I imagined she was asking them what she should do. They stopped, listened, shook their heads and proceded on. The little girl in stripes stood for a moment watching the last of the busses depart before turning around and heading back from where she came.

    I sat in my car and watched the whole thing. I wondered who would let her leave the house dressed in such a way and was there anyone even there or was she responsible for getting herself around and ready for school? What will she do when she gets home? Will someone be there to take her to school? Will she call someone? Will she stay home alone all day?

    I wanted to offer to drive her to school but was afraid she wouldn't accept, yet on the other hand, I was also afraid that she might. Would she be so desperate to get to school on time that she'd accept a ride from a stranger? How scary is that? I know that she'd be safe with me, but how would she know that?

    I used to be a latch-key kid. For years I'd get myself ready and off to school, but there were always neighbors around if I needed anything. The neighbors across the alley were especially helpful and could always be counted on in a pinch and yet there were times when I just found their helpfulness annoying. I resented that there were parents there to give rides when it was raining and a houseful of people who were eager to look after me. I resented being dependant on those rides with nothing to give back.

    I remember once during a heavy rain that the neighbors called and offered me a ride. I declined and hung up. "I don't need their charity," I thought to myself.

    They called 3 more times.
    I left and walked to school.
    I arrived soaked to the skin and proud of myself.
    I was no one's charity case and I could take care of myself.

    Naturally, the school called my mom at work and she had to take time off to bring me dry clothes and a tongue lashing. I had inconvenienced her and done it for the stupidest of resons. I don't remember ever refusing a ride again, but then again, who knows. Memory is a tricky thing.

    Spring has Sprung
    I envy those of you in more temperate climates as you write about your spring plantings and things. The pictures I see posted make me just want to fling seeds on the dirt and watch things grow. Unfortunately, the weather up here is too unpredictable and I don't usually plant till May.

    There is one warm weather tradition that kicked off today assuring us and the rest of the neighborhood that spring truly is here. Beer on the patio! Yes, today we puttered about the yard, brought out and scrubbed the grill and drank beer in the sunshine on the patio. It was still a little too breezy to be perfect, but for me and my guy, we had a nice afternoon.

    Yes, spring is definately in the air.