~Groovin' With Soccamom~

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    Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch
    I really hate being called little pet names like Hon and Sweetie by people I don't know who are noticably younger than me. I find it dismissive and condescending and it really grates on my very last nerve. I can totally overlook it when a little old person calls me something like that or a friend for some strange reason feels the need to do it. Maybe that's because I don't have any friends who do it.

    For some reason yesterday was my day to thus be annoyed/insulted. It started out at breakfast. A bunch of us from work met to have breakfast at a local restaurant and even though I was the second oldest in a group of ten, I was the only person the waitress called Hon. Thankfully the entire bill was taken care of by one of our managers so I didn't have to worry about tipping someone who made me angry and gave bad service to boot.

    Second case yesterday. I came home from an excessively long day at work and was reflecting on a surprisingly large balance in the checking account when I realized the mortgage payment was due. So I headed off to the bank in the next town figuring I'd stop and get some make up too since I was nearly out and debating the trip anyway. I dropped off the payment and went to the Shiseido counter only to find it empty. I approached the gal at the Chanel counter who was effectively ignoring all foot traffic while she painted her nails and asked her to help me. "Sure, sweetie-pie, I'll help you." Uhhm, maybe a mistake. She then follows me to the front of the counter as if I wanted a make over or something. Hello? You aren't seriously doing that, are you? I turned around, looked her straight in the eye and told her what I wanted, waited while she fished around for it, followed her back to her own register and while she was ringing me up I asked her what the important new nail color was that she was so engrossed in. She showed me her chewed up nails and told me it didn't work out very well because she usually gets them "done." Yea, looks pretty bad. I got another sweetie-pie when she thanked me which really filled me with the overwhelming urge to return the makeup and cancel her commission and buy it from someone else.

    So, how was your day, Dear?

    Lots to Say...
    and no inclination to say it.

    I realize I haven't written in over a month. By now I'm sure I've driven away my last reader or else he/she is lost amongst the cobwebs of my groovy space.

    In the past thirty days I've thought about writing about a funny story about my wedding day (the second one), how much I hate my boss...(well really my boss's boss), what I'm going to do for the rest of the week and what I've done so far this week.

    One boring detail at a time, I guess. My boss's boss (we'll call him The Pickle) is so inhuman. So inhuman. So far we've lost 3 people in the last 3 weeks and one more has given her notice. Three more are looking, and yes, I am one of the three. He made me so frustratedly angry that I cried. I freaking cried in front of him. That made me even angrier, of course, because he's a complete robotic dick.

    I don't want to talk about him anymore.

    I've also cooked for the past three days in a row! Saturday night I made homemade pizza, Sunday it was chicken vino bianco like the dish at Oli ve Garden and tonight steak, ranch mashed potatoes and asparagus. That's probably it for the week. The Spousal Unit will be out of town for the rest of the week and Miss Boo is in Florida on spring break. It'll just be me and the various animals we have here. I got a very good portion of the house cleaned and de-cluttered yesterday so I'm hoping I can keep the clean parts clean and work on the rest of the rooms. After that, I may call a realtor friend and check out the possibility of listing it soon.

    Even though I'm bitching here and listening to the blues on my Launchcast, I'm actually in a good mood right now. Maybe the blogging and music are catharitic.