~Groovin' With Soccamom~

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    It's History
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    Dolla dolla dolla night

    Thirsty thursday

    Yes, it was margarita night yet again. Funny how fast a week can fly by and yet it seems like it takes forever to make it to Thursday.

    Actually, this picture is from a different margarita night and it is my friend, Penny's hand, but you get the idea.


    Oh my aching eyes!
    How is the new font size workin' for ya? I've had a few comments on the teeny tiny font so I thought rather than drive away my 2 readers, I'd go ahead and make my font a little more reader friendly.

    I had a relatively good day today. I meant to say "really good" day, but there are always those little annoyances, so I will settle for relatively good. I think it had something to do with my hair. I had a really good hair day today. It still looks good and I almost hate to go to bed and ruin it.

    I'm sure the reason is twofold. It's finally not ninety-eight degrees with a gazillion percent humidity today. It came at a great time. The other reason? Just a good frame of mind, I think. I had just decided that it had to be that way.

    That's it.

    In the five years that we've been married, my dear husband has been pulled over twice for speeding. He has, as a result, been the recipient of two speeding tickets, the most recent of which I just paid earlier this month. I was not so happy to discover that after some various other surprise expenses that popped up this summer, I now had to shell out the maximum fine that one has to pay without actually having to go to court.

    On the other hand, in the five years that we've been married, I've been pulled over about half a dozen times. So far I've not gotten a ticket yet. I've just been lucky, I guess. My husband thinks it's unfair and discriminatory (and being a former cop himself, I suppose he'd know) but I personally think it's just the luck of the draw. After all, it can't just be a woman thing because I've never had to resort to tears or stupid excuses. I just get lucky and get warnings.

    The most recent incident came last week on the way back from Cincinnati. I was the passenger all the way down and most of the way back up due to the threat of some stupid dizzy spells I'd been experiencing. My sweetie, being exhausted, finally let me drive the last hour or so back and he promptly fell asleep. All of a sudden, I was hitting his arm, telling him to wake up and buckle up.
    "Why," he groggily asked.

    "We're being pulled over."

    So up he sat, buckled up and I pulled to the side of the road and rolled down my window. The officer came to the window and asked for license (which I had ready for him) and registration (which we dug out of the glove compartment) he then proceded to inform me that he pulled me over for speeding but if my record was clean, he would only be issuing me a warning.
    "Is there anything on your record?"
    Dear husband pipes up, "No, she never gets a ticket!" Gee, thanks honey.
    The young officer kind of chuckled and said, "Do you want me to give her one?"
    To which I promtly said no and slugged my husband.

    Naturally, the record came back clean and the officer came back with my warning. I then got to hear my husband bitch for the rest of the trip about the unfairness of it all and how if we could afford it he would have insisted on the ticket just to teach me a lesson, or some similar shite.

    Some people are just sore speeders.

    As promised, a little more on our anniversary trip to Cincinnati. We drove down and were able to check in early which was nice. My sweetie kept repeating how we didn't really need a suite, but I didn't seem to be able to get him to understand that the suite was $10 less than the regular room at the other hotel that we'd discussed. See? More room and less money, get it?

    After we checked in we wandered about the city in search of sustenance which we found in the form of a fun little restaurant named Margaritas. Hmmm, suits me to a T. We headed back to the room to freshen up and then departed for the fabulous Cubs game. My husband (I really need to find him a nickname) wanted to be early enough to catch a glimpse of batting practice. So, we departed the hotel at 5 o'clock to make it to the 7:10 game. (Five minute walk from the hotel.) The gates weren't yet open (imagine that) when we arrived, but what we did see was a sea of blue...Cubbie blue and maybe one or two Reds caps sprinkled here and there. As we waited for the gates to open, one of the security people we were chatting with said he was surprised they weren't opening the gates a little early considering the crowd size. He said the Reds usually only draw about eighteen thousand or so, but when the Cubs are in da house numbers skyrocket. (insert gloat) That's why we were there, too. Too expensive to get good Cubs tickets in Chicago.

    Just as the gates opened, a young girl maybe around the same age as Miss Boo swooned! I supposed it was from the heat. Fortunately, I had brought 2 bottled waters and was able to give up one. I hoped it helped.

    Inside, we found our seats to be FAB-U-LOUS! I mean fabulous! Fifth row up from the field, right next to the Reds dugout and right by first base. We, of course, made it to batting practice, but only for the Cubs. Apparently the Reds went first before gates opened. Feh. Griffey spent a good portion of the time during batting practice in the dugout so we got to see him for quite some time. He did turn away nearly every time someone tried to take a picture of him. The guy in the seat next to us (Red fan) didn't have anything good to say about Griffey. Whatever.

    The game started with a bang and some homers and just went uphill from there. As you can see from my pictures, I had a field day snapping pix of Derrek Lee and he knew it.

    I mean really. I swear he waved at me and let me snap some of those pictures. I'll never be convinced otherwise. I mean, here I was, in the later innings, standing up and snapping pictures. There was no on in the next 8 seats beside me, no one immediately behind me and he waved. He waved at me!

    By the last inning, the people in the first row had gone home and squatters had taken over their seats. Unfortunately, a ball got past my buddy, Derrek, and bounced right over the bumpers and hit some lady in the nose. Blood all over the place. Derrek came over to give her a ball and my husband kept nudging me to take his picture. He was 10 feet away. Not that time. Not when he was being a decent human being. I couldn't grab a photo under those circumstances. Maybe I'm a dork.

    Anyhow, we had a really good time at the ballpark and despite the fact that I ended up with 4 blisters, I still think I wore the right shoes.

    The Joy of Tequila

    We found the perfect spot to eat and drink in Cincinnati.

    A great spot for some appetizers and a margarita or four before the ballgame.

    Cin City
    We're on our honeymoon part cinq. We found a wonderful restaurant named Margarita's (of course) and are now on our way to a Cub's game. I'll write more when I'm sober. :-)

    At Long Last
    About 4 years ago, I "met" a wonderful lady online and this past weekend I finally got the opportunity to meet her and her husband in person. This woman befriended me and invited me to a warm and supportive board where I've been fortunate enough to forge some wonderful friendships.

    I'll write more later, but for now, enjoy the photos in my new flickr album.

    Take me Home
    Miss Boo has been at my sister's house since Saturday. I miss her terribly and I know she wants to come home asap, however, I'm just exhausted tonight. I know she wants me to come get her tomorrow, but I really can't commit to that at this moment. I'd like to go get her, but that just might be too much driving on a work night. I guess I'll go call her now and start some negotiations.

    A Funny
    Two prostitutes were riding around town
    with a sign on top of their car which said:

    "Two Prostitutes -- $50.00."

    A policeman, seeing the sign,
    stopped them and told them
    they'd either have to remove the sign
    or go to jail.

    Just at that time, another car passed with a sign saying:

    One of the girls asked the officer,
    "How come you don't stop them?!"

    "Well, that's a little different,"
    the officer smiled .
    "Their sign pertains to religion."

    So the two ladies of the night frowned
    as they took their sign down and drove off.

    The following day found the same police officer
    in the area when he noticed the two ladies
    driving around with a large sign on their car again.

    Figuring he had an easy arrest,
    he began to catch up with them
    when he noticed the new sign which now read:

    "Two Fallen Angels
    Seeking Peter -- $50.00."

    Skyrockets in Flight
    I just got home about, oh maybe an hour and a half or two hours ago. Miss Boo is spending the week with my sister and her family and my husband is away yet again on a case. Fortunately, I was able to go along with him yesterday so we got a mini vacation, brief as it might be.

    I arrived home today fully expecting to see a mess from the dog, but I was pleasantly surprised. She somehow managed to eat her food, drink her water and keep her legs crossed for the 24 hours that I was away. Good girl. The cats seemed not to miss me at all, and even Fat Joe and Memphis, our fish handled the break well.

    The only problemo now is that the dog, after having done her business, won't go back outside. She's a spaz when it comes to fireworks, so I guess I'll just get used to her hovering for the next 12 hours or so.

    I had such a horrible headache today which I finally cured with a few cups of coffee. I tend not to drink coffee other than my own, then am not able to deal with the headache. Wadda baby.