~Groovin' With Soccamom~

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    Skyrockets in Flight
    I just got home about, oh maybe an hour and a half or two hours ago. Miss Boo is spending the week with my sister and her family and my husband is away yet again on a case. Fortunately, I was able to go along with him yesterday so we got a mini vacation, brief as it might be.

    I arrived home today fully expecting to see a mess from the dog, but I was pleasantly surprised. She somehow managed to eat her food, drink her water and keep her legs crossed for the 24 hours that I was away. Good girl. The cats seemed not to miss me at all, and even Fat Joe and Memphis, our fish handled the break well.

    The only problemo now is that the dog, after having done her business, won't go back outside. She's a spaz when it comes to fireworks, so I guess I'll just get used to her hovering for the next 12 hours or so.

    I had such a horrible headache today which I finally cured with a few cups of coffee. I tend not to drink coffee other than my own, then am not able to deal with the headache. Wadda baby.