~Groovin' With Soccamom~

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    Pills and pissiness
    Back to the doctor today to maybe switch my bc pills. Even though I was there last week for nearly an hour and a half and a $20 copay later, I've gotten no help. I knew I shouldn't have taken the appointment with the P.A., but it did seem convenient at the time. After explaining how these new pills were making me feel, he informs me that he really doesnt handle this area and had to consult with the other doctor. After a too-long wait this guy walks back with a prescription for The Patch. If anyone had bothered to ask me, The Patch is out of the question for me. Thanks for nuttin.

    We'll see what happens this afternoon. I'm just seeing my GP and if this really seems like it will drag on and on, I may just have to bite the bullet and find an OBGYN in Ft.Wayne. I really hate to do that, but given my history that might be the best option after all. I'm really not handling this new pill very well. I begin experiencing PMS around day 9 of the packet and it lasts till the onset day. Not a good month for me and not fun for those with whom I live. Nearly everything makes me want to cry whether it concerns me or not. I cry all day long it seems. The bloating and weight gain are also out of control. My fingers and toes look like sausages that are about to burst from the casing and when I walk, my ass looks like two pigs fighting for space under a blanket. I'm sure that contributes to the weepiness. I am heavier now than when I was 9 months pregnant.

    Regarding the rapid weight gain, the PA had a blood test done to make sure there's nothing wrong with my thyroid. I'm quite sure it will come back negative. I'm honest with myself to know that part of the weight gain is not working out in the world but sitting in my home office. Its not so much that I sit and graze all day long, because I dont. I just think the act of going out into the world and running around the office gives me a little more energy. I have begun walking the treadmill every night which helps me feel much better. So far I'm sticking with it pretty well and since it was so nice out this weekend we supplemented with long walks thru the area. There is this great subdivision down the street from us at the edge of town and there are gorgeous houses built around three ponds. Each pond has a concrete footpath encircling it which made for a great walk yesterday. Today its raining so its back to the old tread mill.