~Groovin' With Soccamom~

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    My Bloginality is INFJ
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    It's History
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    *Tapping the microphone*
    "Is this thing on?"
    I can't belive this blog is still out on the internets. I haven't posted here in three years, not that I haven't written posts in my head, but I just haven't transcribed them.
    In truth, I assumed this blog was still out there, but knew I just didn't have the heart to update it. Silent Shouts? WTF was I thinking? Groovin with Soccamom. Heh. There's nothing groovy here and I haven't been a soccermom for what? two? three years? I've tied my identity to mom-ness and rarely written about it. I've tied my identity to something I've outgrown but carried the moniker to email, twitter and who knows what else. Is it possible to be just me? Who am I or rather, what part of who I am do I want to reveal?
    Should I reinvent myself or just reveal the self I am or should I shed this blog like a snakeskin and move on?
    I don't know.