~Groovin' With Soccamom~

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    It's History
    01.04 02.04 03.04 04.04 05.04 06.04 07.04 08.04 09.04 10.04 11.04 12.04 01.05 02.05 03.05 04.05 05.05 06.05 07.05 08.05 09.05 10.05 11.05 12.05 01.06 02.06 03.06 05.06 06.06 07.06 08.06 09.06 10.06 11.06 12.06 01.07 02.07 05.07 04.08 11.08 06.11 01.12

    Sunshine of Your Love
    She's scowling as she stalkes down the hallway towards me.

    "What's wrong?"

    "Nothing." Tsk, sigh. "Have you seen my red jacket that zips up?"

    "No, did you look in the coat closet?"


    After she found it there I wouldn't say she was all smiles, but at least she wasn't scowling.

     Posted by Hello

    Where have they gone, those days when I was not so much of an annoyance but an integral part of your life? Was it just mere months ago that you wanted my opinion before making clothing purchases, even if you were shopping with friends? Was it this year that you sought me out to tell me about your day? Are you really taller than me already? Weren't you just up to my waist weeks ago or was it truly that many years ago? Was it yesterday or was it an eternity ago that you were barely larger than a five pound bag of flour? I was so in awe of your tiny fingers and toes. So afraid that you'd break if I held you too tight and yet unable to let go sometimes.

    I'm letting go a little more each day.

    I see you loving being young and free and yet sometimes hating being a teen with all the drama that accompanies it and all the hormones that ebb and swell within you. I see you building your own little world. An ever expanding sphere that slowly pushes me from the center and out to the periphery where I patiently wait, arms wide open, watching. Sometimes bewildered at the emptyness in my outstretched hands, sometimes rewarded in those cherished moments when you're still my little girl who needs a hug from "Mommy."

    Balk Talk
    Where are my comments? Where is Haloscan? I guess I'll have to use the blogger comments for a while. :-(


    Ahhh, they're back! Whew!

    Just Smile
    Although I've lived in this town for just over a year, I only know a handful of people and am friends with one, maybe two people. I'm not so outgoing, can be shy and not so sure of my conversational skills. Imagine my (pleased) surprise when the mother of one of Miss Boo's friends called last night to ask me a favor. Could her daughter walk home after volleyball practice with Miss Boo? She and her husband would be running late to pick up and that way N-friend wouldn't have to wait outside the school alone. Sure. No problem...glad to help.

    Sooo, today. I took my usual walk at lunch today even though it was quite humid. I had sweat dripping from my neck and chest, but kept it off my silk sweater and skirt. (Thank the stars the Soft N Dry worked overtime.) I was feeling both miserable from the humidity but glad I'd stuck to my walking agenda. (See how I refrained from calling it a regime? That would make it a chore.

    Fast forward to 4:55 pm. I should be leaving work in 5 minutes just when a lady walked in and needed an major adjustment. No, not her attitude, but her glasses. I started working with her when the phone rang. I had to handle it and Other Optician finished up with adjustment lady. Just as I was heading to the front desk to finish the call, Doctor wanted me to help fit the last patient of the day. "You know, Doctor, if you didn't spend so much time yakking you wouldn't get behind each and every day," I felt like saying. What I did say, however, is that I was on a call. After which I still had to help Last Patient. By the time I finished it was 5:20 and there would be no way to deliver N-friend to her parents by 5:30 as promised. As I rushed out the door I found that it was raining. "What next," I exclaimed to myself, exasperated. (Remember, silk sweater and skirt.)

    I headed home and Miss Boo buzzed me on my cell. N-friend's sister picked her up and all was well, except that soccer practice which was supposed to be 5:30-6:30 was moved up to 5. Miss Boo had to haul it to make the last 20 minutes. As I headed back to my town I came upon a stretch of road that has 30 mph speed limit posted. Taking that as more of a suggestion, I usually go about 50 there. Tonight as I neared the pitiful request of a sign, a mantra started buzzing through my harried brain. It said, bad-day, bad-day, bad-day. I slowed to 30 and cruising up the block towards me was a police car.

    I smiled as we passed.

    Everybody! Take your glasses off right now and look at them. Are the nosepads green? Is there crud around the lenses? Grab a soft brush (like a toothbrush) and some mild soap and scrub.

    I cleaned and adjusted a pair of glasses today that I swear could have sprouted legs and walked away. Jeebers, people, these things sit on your face! Can't you smell them?

    Car(t) Before the Horse
    I take mostly back-roads on my trek to work each day. I'm not talking dirt paths or any otherwise unpaved byway, but rather, regular county roads which are usually not too tightly patrolled by the county sherrif. (Read: speed limit is more of a suggestion in my book.) Because I started this job in the summer when the days are longer, I've yet to travel in the dark but I know that day is rapidly approaching. When the seasons begin their change, I don't know if I'll start travelling by a more mainstream path. Driving in twilight or darker makes me too leary of hitting deer as they roam the fields at night searching for food.

    As it is, I've already seen quite a bit of wildlife (and civilized life too) in the mornings. Naturally there are dogs wandering from yard to yard, cats sitting beneath shady bushes and the plethora of morning walkers abound. There are cows in the meadow and sheep- not in the corn- but also in meadows and a few bunnies scattered here and there. I've even come across a pair of raccoons who dawdled too long in their nightly foraging and were caught returing to their tree in the light of day.

    All of the above are pretty standard fare for a country traveller yet even so, imagine my surprise this morning as I was found myself nearly in a head on collision with a horse! On the road! The crazy thing was trotting straight at me down the middle of the road. I slowed as quickly and quietly as I dared and the rambunctious rascal headed off to the adjoining yard. A nicely manicured and landscaped yard at that. A toss of his head in my direction sent his mane flying in the air, his legs were high-stepping and he seemed full of spirit and eager for me to be on my way. As eager as he was, I headed off as quickly as I could as I didn't know if the wily fellow was going to charge me or if I was being given free passage. I wasn't taking any chances- I left.

    Get 'em While They're Hot
    Anyone need a gmail invitation? Let me know.

    Walking on Sunshine
    I have a few stories swirling around in my mind that I want to share. I've alluded to some of the subject matter before and I have the "bones" ready to print, however, in the here and now, my mindset is such that I can only relate "happy thoughts."

    I've been in such a good mood this week that I hardly recognize myself. :-)

    River Walk
    The town in which I work has a lovely walking path about 5 minutes from the office near a river. The path is about 6-7 feet wide, paved and there are beautiful carved wood statues of wildlife which are actually 1/2 mile markers. This is the path I have been walking every day this week at lunchtime.

    I've been walking a mile down and back on this path even though I'm told the path is actually 2 1/2 miles long but I know thats about my limit as of now. That barely gives me time to get back to the office and nibble some lunch and return to the daily grind in an hour. I've been trying to do a modified power walk by concentrating on stretching my stride and pumping my arms in a manner that isn't too conspicuous but I sometimes find myself quite lost in my thoughts during this solitary time communing with nature and thus find it necessary to mentally prod myself along.

    However, sometimes these trains of thought can be so random and fun that I wanted to share one. I normally park at the beginning of the walkway, change into my Sauconys, lock the car and go. As I trotted along I grasped my keys and thought:

    I hope these keys don't fall into the river. (They'd have to fly out of my clenched fist, over the embankment and fall approximately 15 feet into the river.)

    If they do, of course, I'd have to go retrieve them. If I do that, I would have to take off my skirt. (It was ankle-length and silk.)

    I suppose the best thing to do would be to hang it on a tree branch but what if while wading in the river the undertow takes me? My body will be found without a skirt on and the cops will suspect a sex crime. No, I'd still have my pantyhose intact. But what if the filthy water eats the nylon?
    How can those turtles stand to swim in that water? It kind of stinks. I remember when Grandma bought me a turtle at KMart. The one I selected wasn't moving and I figured it would be a good pet. It wasn't moving because it was dead. Why does Sister like turtles so much? They just remind me of stinky dead turtles. Do you think the filth of the water will eat away the nylon of my pantyhose? I need to remember to order more of this brand of hose. If more people tried Sauconys they'd be as sold as I am. My first pair of Nikes killed my knee. Oh! A mile already. Time to turn around and retrace my steps. Do you think anyone will notice if I do a Rocky Victory dance? Better not risk it.

    I'm stuck in the middle of a teen slumber party. I was just minding my own business, watching the olympics to find myself surrounded by 5 teenage girls who love to comment on the games. Maybe I'm not such a dorky mom after all? heh.

    Lordy, Lordy
    They got me today at work. On Friday everyone played it so cool and I was sure my 40th was going to slip by unnoticed, but nooooo. They got me good today.
    There were signs, signs, everywhere signs, balloons, cake and lots of black decorations. There was even a sign on the front door of the office today but I didn't realize it till later in the morning.

    I have to say, though, that I didn't mind in the least. It was actually flattering that they remembered since I am new there and between the 2 other ladies in the office they were asked a total of 5 times if it was their birthday. (I am the youngest in the office at 40.) One man said to me, "Surely YOU aren't 40 today."
    I said, "Yes I am and don't call me Shirley." :-) Someone else asked me who's Soccamom? When I said I am she wished me a happy birthday. Turning 40 and not looking it is much better than....well, so many things. I feel really good today. I even took a 2 mile walk at lunchtime.

    It's going to be a great decade.

    All's right with the world
    Ok, so Miss Boo is very, very normal after all. One of her punishments is that she was grounded from her computer but of course in the 2 hours after hubby leaves for work and I get home, she was on it.
    But she forgot to delete her history!!! I thinkKalisa has her work cut out for her.

    Quiz 'ho
    I love quizzes. This one from Greener Pastures
    Gee, whodathunkit.
    Take the quiz: "Which Random Irish Gaelic Phrase Are You? "

    Ta me bitseach mealltach
    Ta me bitseach mealltach - 'I'm a sexy bitch.'You're hot stuff, or at least you think you are. You can usually be found in front of a mirror or shopping for the latest fashions so you can be the hottest thing to walk into the club tonight. Now, if only you could find a date...

    Round and Round
    Tell me why oh why if someone just comes off a week of being grounded, they do the exact thing that got them grounded a mere 48 hours later? And get caught again! I think it has something to do with the wiring of a teen brain. In fact, I'm sure it does as she confided in me herself that she sometimes hates being a teenager as she seems to "have trouble making good decisions." That bit of self awareness almost sounds like a step in the right direction. Dare I be encouraged? It may be too early too tell.

    Sovereign Idiot
    Do you think he even has a clue as to what it means? I think not.

    Police State
    Why is it that even if you're on the no call list, the F.O.P. can still call and solicit? And, of course, they act like if you don't contribute then they can't guarantee the safety of your neighborhood. Well, I realize it isn't actually the cops themselves calling but rather the cop-wannabe flunkies who have those silly FOP stickers on their car and think they are something special but damn, man, I am on the no call list. Doesn't that mean anything to anyone???

    Half wit
    Rereading the post below, I wonder to myself, "Why did I feel I shouldn't write Pam (for cooking spray) but it was ok for me to write Pyrex?"

    Sometimes I stump myself.

    The Recipe
    Elizabeth wanted the recipe to my now world famous boobie cake. Well, its embarrassingly simple:

    1. I used a box cake mix and followed the regular directions on the box
    2. Spray a nonstick cooking spray (you know which one) in a pyrex bowl. The one I used says 1.5L 323 Pyrex.
    3. Pour half the prepared cake mix in the bowl and bake. I used the time required for a bundt cake.
    4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the other boobie
    5. When cooled, I frosted with cream cheese frosting (out of a can) but I wish I had tinted the frosting more of a peachy color like skin. My guess would be maybe a drop or two of red and a couple of yellow.
    6. Drain (do a better job than I did) 2 marachino cherries, remove stem and place on top.

    Easy peasy.

    PS A variation of this recipe works well for barb-ie cakes.

    Everyone likes 'em
    I'm laughing because one of my hits today came from an MSN search for boobie cake.

    See thru
    Damn! Was I invisible or what? I tried all day long to view my own blog here and all I got was the background-no words. Well, at least I am back among the land of the readable. Now, if only someone would visit. And comment. :-)