It is about me:
clickMy Bloginality is INFJ It's History
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At the moment I feel very much on the brink. I feel as if I am waiting for so many things that nothing can progress until all of these issues are resolved. My husband and I are both awaiting info regarding new jobs. True, he is much further along in the process than I as I've yet to even have my interview, but we are both hopeful. I'm loathe to post too much as I am a little superstitious and don't really want to ruin my chances although what I really want to do is babble relentlessly about it. This past weekend my parents came bearing gifts and stayed nearly twice as long as I'd anticipated...almost 2 hours (thats total for the visit.) Mom is such a homebody and its hard to get her out of her home. Its truly her sanctuary and the place from whence she draws her peace. Each year for Christmas my parents buy a cow (bear with me here) which gets split between themselves, my sister's family and our family. Having that much beef on hand really makes for a great help although I cant help sometimes but covet the cash that it takes to purchase and process this bounty. So this year the Chistmas cow was ready in March and my parents brought a small portion of our share to us. We have a rather small spare freezer and I wasnt sure how much I could take this time around. It turns out she brought a very good amount as I still have freezer space and also have enough space to actually see what I have. We grilled ribeyes Saturday and all agreed that it was delish. They also brought us a refridgerator. My parents always have 3-one in the kitchen, one in the basement kitchen and one in the garage. Well, the main refridgerator took a dump so Mom bought a new one -stainless steel. When it arrived at her home she decided she didn't like it and the crooks at the store wouldnt take it back saying it had depreiciated like a car. So what does Mrs Practical do? She buys another fridge---from the same people! So, the new fridge goes downstairs, the new new fridge goes in the main kitchen and the perfectly good other fridge from the basement goes to the garage. That leaves the garage fridge for us. Don't get me wrong; we were happy to have it. This one truly is a garage fridge complete with one of those little freezers that frosts up all the time. Quite a time, I must say. My dad got the fridge loaded into Grandpa's pickup himself but needed a hand getting it unloaded. Yes, thats my dad who while in high school wrestled a bear-and won. Well, as I mentioned, this is a fluff piece. You were warned. For weeks I have felt like one of those cartoon characters that walk around with a dark cloud literally covering their head. I was letting myself get sucked into that vortex of listlessness and dispair. It seemed like I had let myself wander into this murky bog and the more I listed my failures; my shortcomings and my flaws the deeper I sunk. I would sit and think about the weight I've gained and think about the unused, dusty treadmill just sitting there waiting to be utilized and feel even more tired. But as I've stated, the visit with the doctor seemed to really light a fire under my ass. Some of the things regarding exercise, I knew already, I just needed a nonjudgemental, nonbiased person to reiterate it to me. I also know myself well enough to realize that although I may feel inspired to join a gym or an exercise class, I am not far enough along in my journey to do so. Thus, I hopped on the treadmill. Walking, walking. The first few times were satisfying, but not too challenging, and not too inspiring. I'd gotten a workout, but didn't really feel like I had hit my stride yet. I've been trying different motivational methods and I've finally hit upon a formula that works for me. I have the diskman with the headphones on, some carefully chosen music, stare at the blank TV and away I go! I've found that I cant really watch tv because I cant be made aware of the passage of time...I dont want to follow a storyline when I cant really hear it anyway. The blank screen gives me a focal point where I can lose myself in the music and in my thoughts. Before I know it I've hit my zone and am feeling soooo good. I love being in that zone. The breathing becomes less labored and although you can feel the burn in your lungs, it becomes a welcomed guest rather than a struggle. The sweat has broken out and you feel not only the individual rivulets coursing down your head, neck, torso, and legs but you also feel the aura of the heat that emanates from your body. I love being there. Today I got called to work so I had to postpone my walk till this evening. I was amazed that I thougt about the coming work out all day and actually looked forward to the time this evening when I could hop on and literally work on walking my ass off. I did end up missing my Denise Austin work out, but I had considered taking today off from her anyway, so it was ok. I had forgotten how much I liked her tape and how good it and she made me feel. She is so upbeat and friendly that I really feel good working out to that tape. This past week was my placebo week on my old pills and tonight is the first night I start on my new rx. I'm hoping that these will do the trick, but at the back of my mind I admit to believing that my new sense of well being will dictate my state of being even more than the new rx. We'll see. The street we lived on when I was young was rather small and very out of the way. It was approximately 5 blocks long and on one end led to a cemetary and on the other "The Little Store." Those were the days in which we told our mothers we were "going outside to play" and that meant we could go anywhere in the neighborhood as long as we didn't cross Michigan Street and were home before dark. Those were the days in which I spent many of them as a latch key kid, but no one thought anything about it since there was an abundance of neighbors to watch over me and the rest of the kids around. I remember being allowed to ride my bike down to the little store to run errands for my mother or with other kids just because we had some change and wanted some candy. Penny candy was still a penny in those days so if you had a dime to spend you were guaranteed a nice little sugar buzz for the afternoon. When I was 5 my mother was pregnant with my sister. I was as excited as any big sister should be. Everyone in the family was looking for a boy and they went so far as to paint the bedroom baby blue. I could hardly wait. One of my favorite pasttimes was to buy little jars of baby food. Back in those days the jars of baby food were thirteen cents and we were getting quite a collection of jars. So it happened that one sunny day a bunch of the neighborhood kids were going down to the little store and invited me to come along. They waited by the door while I was asking Mom for some money. We had a long curvy 60 style sectional that was like 3 kidney beans hooked together. Mom had a hand tooled wallet that my Uncle had bought for her in Mexico one spring break. I remember seeing her sitting on that sofa fingering thru the change compartment of that dark leather wallet. "I give you ten cents," she said to me in her broken English. "No, I need thirteen cents," I replied. "Ten cents." "No, thirteen cents," I stomped my foot. "Why you need thirteen cents?" She asked. "I just need it." I couldnt ruin the surprise, and yet I felt that she should have gotten the hint, after all how many jars thirteen cent baby food do you have to have in the house before you catch my drift? Of course my foot stomping and refusal to tell her the whole story set her off. Not only were my friends sent off without me, but the temper flaired. Before I knew what was next, I was stripped to my underwear and spanked. Mom was screaming and shouting that everything I had I had because she gave it to me. I heard how ungrateful I was and how selfish I was to demand more money than what she was willing to give. For the next few minutes or half hour or eternity- I have no idea which is closer to the actual time- I laid on that brown kidney shaped sofa in my underwear, face down and hoping no one would walk by the windows. I finally got up and stuck my head around the corner (still covering up my non existant privates) and said, "I'm sorry, Mommy, can I have my clothes back now?" I'm sure now that that is why I rarely had new crayons at school. I often used a brown paper bag full of the broken bits of crayons from years past and envied those who came to school each year with the brand new box of 64 glorious points of colored wax. If I didnt ask for certain supplies,which I didnt, and she didnt remember to buy them, then I went without or made do. I guess in the balance of things, it worked out alright. I learned to have an independance and a perseverance that I know my sister lacks even if it is based on my not wanting to face the humilliation of needing, wanting or lacking. I think if I had wanted the money for myself I would not have remembered the incident as vividly but having gone thru it for an act that at the time was selfless is what has always haunted me. Case in point, I remember another fight the night before my birthday. I don't remember which birthday, but I remember standing over the trash can,with all my brightly colored gifts in side. In my mothers hands was the cake plate holding my birthday cake as she threatened to throw that away too. I dont remember what that fight was about, but I think on that occasion I must have been in the wrong. Way wrong. I don't remember the party, but I do know the presents were retrieved and the cake was never tossed. Its funny, what we remember and what we forget. I will be trying a new pill for awhile and then go back to see him in about 6 weeks. He also recommended some exercise programs that I might like. Right now the walking is going well and I have an exercise tape that I used to enjoy. I think I'll drag that out before I spend too much money on what might end up being a whim. I dont want to just run right out and join a gym or exercise class on the first day of my new outlook. That seems sure to fail if you go by past failures. I will take it at a managable pace and already I feel less stressed. We'll see what happens this afternoon. I'm just seeing my GP and if this really seems like it will drag on and on, I may just have to bite the bullet and find an OBGYN in Ft.Wayne. I really hate to do that, but given my history that might be the best option after all. I'm really not handling this new pill very well. I begin experiencing PMS around day 9 of the packet and it lasts till the onset day. Not a good month for me and not fun for those with whom I live. Nearly everything makes me want to cry whether it concerns me or not. I cry all day long it seems. The bloating and weight gain are also out of control. My fingers and toes look like sausages that are about to burst from the casing and when I walk, my ass looks like two pigs fighting for space under a blanket. I'm sure that contributes to the weepiness. I am heavier now than when I was 9 months pregnant. Regarding the rapid weight gain, the PA had a blood test done to make sure there's nothing wrong with my thyroid. I'm quite sure it will come back negative. I'm honest with myself to know that part of the weight gain is not working out in the world but sitting in my home office. Its not so much that I sit and graze all day long, because I dont. I just think the act of going out into the world and running around the office gives me a little more energy. I have begun walking the treadmill every night which helps me feel much better. So far I'm sticking with it pretty well and since it was so nice out this weekend we supplemented with long walks thru the area. There is this great subdivision down the street from us at the edge of town and there are gorgeous houses built around three ponds. Each pond has a concrete footpath encircling it which made for a great walk yesterday. Today its raining so its back to the old tread mill. |